Department of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, 9th Floor, General Mustafiz Tower, MIST.
Mirpur Cantonment, Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh.
- Doctor of Engineering in Rock Mechanics
Sustainable Resources Engineering Division, Hokkaido University, Japan, 2014
- M.Sc. (Thesis on Mining) in Geology and Mining
University of Rajshahi, 2006
- B.Sc. (Hon’s) in Geology and Mining
University of Rajshahi, 2004
- Invited Speaker, Instability of shale at a slope: A case from Chattogram, Bangladesh. GeoShanghai 2024, May 27, Shanghai, China, 2024.
- Outstanding Achievement Award, ISRM2019 Specialized Conference, Japan (YSRM2019 and REIF2019), 2019.
- Best Paper Award, The Mining and Material Processing Institute of Japan (MMIJ), 2016.
- Outstanding Paper Awards for Young Scientists and Engineers, EUROCK, 2014.
- Japanese Government Scholarship (MEXT), 2011 – 2014.
- University Awards (1st class 1st) in B.Sc. (Hon’s) and M.Sc.
- International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (ISRM)
- International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment (IAEG)
- World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET)
Alam AKM B, et al. |
We know that stress redistribution and change in permeability are common phenomena within the Excavation disturbed Zone (EdZ) and Excavation Damaged Zone (EDZ), and these zones could be under various confining pressure and temperature conditions which might significantly affect the permeability of rock around an underground cavern. Therefore, confining pressure and temperature effects on permeability as Thermo Hydro Mechanical (THM) processes are very important issues considering the sealability of underground excavations. |
1. Book chapter
1.1 Temperature-Confining Pressure Coupling Effects on the Permeability of Three Rock types under Triaxial Compression, Alam AKM B., Fujii Y. and Fukuda D. 2014. Chapter 16, Rock Engineering and Rock Mechanics: Structures in and on Rock Masses. CRC Press 2014; Print ISBN: 978-1-138-00149-7; eBook ISBN: 978-1-315-74952-5.
2. Selected Journal Articles [Impact Factor 64.300; Clarivate Analytics 2023]
2.17 Kiryukhin A. V., Fujii Y., Alam AKM B. and Chernykh E. V. (2024). The magnitudes of seismic events induced by fluid injections into the Earth's crust. J. Volcanology and Seismology, 18 (2) pp. 111-118.
2.16 Alam AKM B., Aramaki N., Tamamura S., Ueno A., Murakami T., Tamazawa S., Fujii Y and Kaneko K. (2024). Induced Oxidation Effects on Physical and Mechanical Properties of Lignite from Tempoku, Hokkaido, Japan for Sustainable Mining via Subsurface Cultivation and Gasification Method. Journal of Sustainable Mining, 23 (3) Article 3.
2.15 Li ZX., Fujii, Y., Alam AKM B., Lia Z.H., Dua F., Weid W.J. (2024). Implementing a simple 2D constitutive model for rocks into finite element method. Computers and Geotechnics 167(2024)106095.
2.14 Alam, AKM B., Fujii, Y., Dipu, N. H., Chakma, T., Neogi, P., Ullah, A. S. M. W. and Abdullah, R. A. (2023). Potential of carboxymethyl cellulose solution to increase the shale stability. Scientific Reports – NATURE 13:17388.
2.13 Alam, AKM B., Fujii, Y., Dipu, N. H., Boeurt, S. and Rahim, B. A. (2023). Importance of Stress and Temperature-Dependent Permeability of Rocks and its Application in Underground Nuclear Waste Disposal. MIST International Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 11, 39-49.
2.12 Alam AKM B., Fujii Y., Eidee SJ., Boeut S., Rahim AB. (2022). Prediction of mining-induced subsidence at Barapukuria longwall coal mine, Bangladesh. Scientific Reports – NATURE 12: 14800.
2.11 Fujii Y., Ikeda N., Onoe Y., Kanai Y., Hayakawa T., Awaji D., Kodama J., Fukuda D., Alam AKM B., Dassanayake ABN. (2021). A case study on severe damage at a tunnel in serpentinite rock mass. SN Applied Sciences 4: 34.
2.10 Boeut S., Fujii Y., Kodama J., Fukuda D., Dassanayake A., Alam AKM B. (2020). Laboratory investigation on the permeability variation of fractured Inada Granite by Multiple Transient Axial Stress Disturbances. Pure and Applied Geophysics 177: 5385-5396.
2.09 Ueno A., Tamazawa S., Tamamura S., Aramaki N., Alam AKM B., Murakami T., Yamaguchi S., Yamagishi J., Tamaki H., Mayumi D., Naganuma T. & Kaneko K. (2019). Improvement of terrestrial groundwater sampling method affects microbial community analysis. Geomicrobiology Journal 36: 303 – 316.
2.08 Tamamura S., Murakami T., Aramaki N., Ueno A., Tamazawa S., Alam AKM B., Haq SR., Igarashi T., Aoyama H., Yamaguchi S., Kaneko K. (2019). The role of meteoric water recharge in stimulating biogenic methane generation: A case study from the Tempoku Coal Field, Japan. International Journal of Coal Geology 202: 14–26.
2.07 Haq SR., Tamamura S., Ueno A., Tamazawa S., Aramaki N., Murakami T., Alam AKM B., Igarashi T., Kaneko K. (2018). Biogenic methane generation using solutions from column reactions of lignite with hydrogen peroxide. International Journal of Coal Geology 197: 66–73.
2.06 Aramaki N., Tamamura S., Ueno A., Alam AKM B., Murakami T., Tamazawa S., Yamaguchi S., Aoyama H., Kaneko K. (2017). Experimental investigation on the feasibility of industrial methane production in the subsurface environment via microbial activities in northern Hokkaido, Japan – A process involving subsurface cultivation and gasification. Energy Conversion and Management 153: 566-575.
2.05 Tamamura S., Murakami T., Aramaki N., Alam AKM B., Haq SR., Igarashi T., Kaneko K. (2016). Reaction of lignite with dilute hydrogen peroxide for substrate production of methanogens at common subsurface temperatures. International Journal of Coal Geology 167: 230-237.
2.04 Aramaki N., Alam AKM B., Tamamura S., Ueno A., Murakami T., Kaneko K. (2016). Investigation of several influential factors on organic matter decomposition in Lignite using hydrogen peroxide to contribute to the subsurface cultivation and gasification Method. Journal of MMIJ (Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan) 132 (12): 190-198.
2.03 Alam AKM B., Fujii Y., Fukuda D., Kodama J. and Kaneko K. (2015). Fractured rock permeability as a function of temperature and confining pressure. Pure and Applied Geophysics 172 (10): 2871-2889.
2.02 Aramaki N., Tamamura S., Alam AKM B., Kaneko K. (2015). Current challenges and future prospects of bio-methane production engineering in subsurface environment in Northern Hokkaido- proposal of subsurface cultivation and gasification. Journal of MMIJ (Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan) 131 (6): 285-292.
2.01 Alam AKM B., Niioka M., Fujii Y., Fukuda D., and Kodama J. (2014). Effects of confining pressure on the permeability of three rock types under compression. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 65: 49-61.
3. Selected Conference Proceedings
3.24 Alam, AKM B., Fujii, Y., Eidee, S. J. and Ullah, A.S.M. W. (2022), Potential of CMC to increase the stability of shale at a slope, Proc. ARMS12, No. A33, Nov. 23, Hanoi, Vietnam.
3.23 Alam, AKM B., Fujii, Y., Islam, N., Rahman, Md. A., Hasan, A. Al., Hasan, Md. A. (2021), Stability of shale at a slope, IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci., 861, 062010, ARMS 11, 21-25 October, Beijing, China.
3.22 Alam AKM B, Fujii Y., Alam AKM B, Razo SA and Ahmed SM (2020), Mining-induced subsidence prediction by Displacement Discontinuity Method, International Symposium on Earth Resources Management & Environment, 22 December, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
3.21 Alam AKM B and Fujii Y. (2019), Water migration considering Stress and Temperature Dependent Permeability of Fractured Rocks and its approximation, ISRM2019 specialized conference YSRM 2019 and REIF 2019, December 1-4, Okinawa, Japan.
3.20 Alam AKM B, Aramaki N., Tamamura S., Ueno A., Murakami T., Tamazawa S., Fujii Y. and Kaneko K. (2017), Effects of induced oxidation on the mechanical properties of lignite by using hydrogen peroxide in the SCG method, MMIJ 2017, 28 September, Sapporo, Japan.
3.19 Alam AKM B, Aramaki N., Tamamura S., Ueno A., Murakami T., Tamazawa S., Kaneko K. and Fujii Y. (2017), Chemical reaction effects on the tensile strength of lignite by hydrogen peroxide, Proc. Spring Meeting of MMIJ Hokkaido Branch, 16 June, Hokkaido University, Japan. 39-40.
3.18 Alam AKM B., Aramaki N., Tamamura S., Ueno A., Murakami T., Fukuda D., and Kaneko K. (2017), The change in hydraulic conductivity by chemical reaction of fractured lignite with H2O2 solution, Proc. MMIJ Spring Meeting, 27-29 March, Chiba, Japan.
3.17 Alam AKM B., Fujii Y., Aramaki N., Tamamura S., Ueno A., Murakami T., Fujii Y. and Kaneko K (2017). Changes in mechanical properties due to induced oxidation of lignite, ISRM Young Scholars’ Symposium on Rock Mechanics (YSRM 2017 – an ISRM Specialized Conference) and the 2017 International Symposium on New Developments in Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (NDRMGE 2017), 10-12 May, Jeju, South Korea.
3.16 Alam AKM B., Aramaki N., Tamamura S., Ueno A., Murakami T., Fukuda D., and Kaneko K. (2017), Induced oxidation effects on hydraulic conductivity of fractured lignite, Proceedings of the 14th Japan Rock Mechanics Symposium Japan Society for Rock Mechanics, 10-11 January, Kobe, Japan.
3.15 Alam AKM B., Fujii Y., Aramaki N., and Kaneko K. (2017), Water migration into underground cavern considering stress and temperature dependent permeability of fractured rocks, Proceedings of the 14th Japan Rock Mechanics Symposium Japan Society for Rock Mechanics, 10-11 January, Kobe, Japan.
3.14 Fujii Y., Dassanayake A.B.N., Alam AKM B., Kodama, J. and Fukuda, D. (2016), Formulation and Implementation of Effective Stress Coefficient of Rock to FEM, Proc. MMIJ Fall Meeting, 14 September, Morioka, Japan.
3.13 Alam AKM B., Aramaki N., Tamamura S., Fujii Y. and Kaneko K. (2016). Induced oxidation effects on physical and mechanical properties of lignite, Proc. MMIJ Spring Meeting, #1507, 28 March, Tokyo, Japan.
3.12 Alam AKM B., Aramaki N., Tamamura S., Murakami T. and Kaneko K. (2016). Reaction effects of H2O2 solution on hydraulic conductivity of fractured lignite, Proc. MMIJ Spring Meeting, 18 June Muroan, Japan. 23-24.
3.11 Alam AKM B., Fujii Y., Kaneko K. and Aramaki N. (2015). Temperature and confining pressure effects on the permeability of fractured rocks, Proc. MMIJ, #3411, 10 September, Matsuyama, Japan.
3.10 Aramaki N., Tamamura S., Alam AKM B. and Kaneko K. (2015) Production of suitable substrates for methanogens from lignite in Tenpoku coal-field using hydrogen peroxide. MMIJ conference, 8-10 September, Matsuyama, Japan.
3.09 Aramaki N., Tamamura S., Alam AKM B. and Kaneko K. (2015), Effect of temperature on decomposition of organic matter of the lignite using hydrogen peroxide for bio-methane production in subsurface environment. Proc. MMIJ, 10 September, Matsuyama, Japan.
3.08 Alam AKM B., Fujii, Y. and Fukuda D. (2014). Temperature-confining pressure coupling effects on the post failure permeability of three rocks under compression, Proc. MMIJ Fall Meeting, 14 June, Horonobe, Hokkaido.
3.07 Alam AKM B., Fujii Y. and Fukuda D. (2014). Temperature-confining pressure coupling effects on the permeability of three rock types under triaxial compression, The 2014 ISRM European Rock Mechanics Symposium (EUROCK 2014), 27-29 May, Vigo, Spain.
3.06 Alam AKM B., Niioka, M., Fukuda, D. and Fujii, Y. (2013). Confining pressure effect on structural changes in rock types under consolidation and compression, Proc. MMIJ Fall Meeting, , PY-7, 3 September, Sapporo, Hokkaido University.
3.05 Fujii Y., Alam AKM B., Fukuda D. and Kodama J. (2013). Behavior of permeability of several rocks and influences of confining pressure and temperature during deformation and failure under triaxial compression. Proc. MMIJ Fall Meeting, A8-6, 4 September, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan. 177-180.
3.04 Alam AKM B., Niioka M. and Fujii Y. (2013). Effect of confining pressure on permeability during deformation and failure of several rocks under compression, 47th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, 23-26 June, San Francisco, CA, USA.
3.03 Alam AKM B., Masaki N., Fujii, Y., Kodama, J. and Sugawara T. (2012). Effect of temperature and confining pressure on permeability during deformation and failure of shikotsu welded tuff, 7th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, 15-19 October, Seoul, South Korea.
3.02 Fujii Y., Kumakura S. and Alam AKM B. (2012). An investigation on change in permeability during consolidation of fractured rock. Proc. MMIJ Fall Meeting, 13 September, Akita, Japan.
3.01 Niioka M., Alam AKM B., Sugawara T. and Fujii Y. (2012). Change in permeability of shikotsu welded tuff due to post-faillure compression. Proc. MMIJ Fall Meeting, 13 September, Akita, Japan.
- Dr. Manoj Verman, "Soft Ground Tunneling (Including TBM Tunneling)" Mverman, March 2022.
- Dr. Manoj Verman, "Tunneling (With Focus on Soft Ground Tunneling)" Mverman, April 2019.
- Dr. Bo-Hyun Kim; Dr. Fidelis T. Suorineni, “Prefeasibility Study and Mining Method Selection” Korean Society for Rock Mechanics and International Society for Rock Mechanics, May 2017.
- J. Connor Langford; Dr. Mark S. Diederichs, “Reliability Approaches in the Geotechnical Design of Underground Works” US Rock Mechanics Association, June 2013.
- Dic Goodman; Dale Marcum, Geologic; John Wallace, “San Francisco Bay: Geological Engineering View” US Rock Mechanics Association, June 2013.
- Russ Ewy; Mark Walters, “Geyers (Hydrothermal vents)” US Rock Mechanics Association, June 2013.
- Dr. Bo-Hyun Kim; Dr. Fidelis T. Suorineni, “Prefeasibility Study and Mining Method Selection” Korean Society for Rock Mechanics and International Society for Rock Mechanics, October 2012.
- Department of Mining Engineering and Applied Geology, “Mining, Ore mineralogy” IIT Dhanbad (ISMU), September – October 2008.
Theory |
Sessional |
- FACULTY MEMBER (Mining Engineering), Petroleum and Mining Engineering Department, MIST
Duration: 2018 - Till date
- RESEARCHER (Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering), Northern Advancement Center for Science and Technology, Hokkaido, Japan
Duration: 2014 - 2018
- FACULTY MEMBER (Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering), Wakkanai Hokusei Gakuyen Universiry, Japan
Duration: 2015 - 2018
- SCIENTIST (Mining), Institute of Mining, Mineralogy and Metallurgy, BCSIR, Bangladesh
Duration: 2007 - 2011